Saturday 10 November 2012

Life just after Pujas - A wardrobe filled with clothes, camera full of pics, mind full of memories and heart filled with longingness!!!

Done with the Durga Puja celebrations it is now time for some deliberation of life after Pujas.

This is how you may be feeling:
  1. You might feel heavier - with those hours spent on munching puchkas, chaats and home cooked delicacies, what can you expect other than raising the bar on the weighing machine!!

Monday 29 October 2012

Ganga Matters - Should we allow Puja idols to be immersed in Ganges

Durga Puja immersion

Its time we listen to the health of our city's lifeline. For many a trip to the bashan-dance while following the Durga Puja immersion procession might be a highlight of Durga Puja celebrations, but the Ganga is definitely taking a lot of blows due to immersion of Goddess Durga. While people might be divided on this count, no one shall deny the concern everyone has for the health of the waters of Ganga. Here's Durga Puja Curry's prescription for saving Ganga while remaining true to the fervour of Durga Puja celebrations:

  1. Go for symbolic immersion of the Idols in the Ganga water rather than actual immersion in open river water as that causes massive pollution.
  2. Allow the idols to be treated before they are immersed in running water.
  3. Sensitise people not to throw away Puja leftovers and other religious items into the water.
  4. Invite all Puja committee members to go for permanent idols so that idols need not be changed each year. That way we shall have no reason for immersion.
Durga Puja Curry supports joyous celebration and equally believes in protecting Maa Ganga. Save the river before it might be too late. Share this message for a greener and better Durga Puja.

Arihant Bhandawat

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Lost in translation of Modern World - Lost Durga Puja Fun and Tradition

Traditions and Fun Lost in Modern Durga Puja Celebrations

Much has changed over the years in Durga Puja celebrations - for starters my jeans has, along with the my outlook for the person who used to wear the old jeans (that's me ofcourse)
  • The purists grouse about the loss of the dedication for the pious celebrations of the Pujas.
  • The early modernists complain about the loss of romance in these times.
  • The young and hippy have gripe regarding the lack of more modern touch to Durga Puja celebrations.
What has been lost in translation - Even the Goddess might be puzzled on the number of changes that are coming her way. Check this one out.

Vijay Dashami and the Battle within us!

As the curtains come down on the Durga Puja, 2012 we celebrate the victory of the Goddess over Mahisasur. This event marks the end of the evil forces and fulfillment of the divine intervention for which the Goddess was born.

This  day which is celebrated across India for various customs has a special tone for the Indian society in the present times. As a society we have been fighting a lot of Mahisasur-ian styled evils that have become a bane for the societal and human progress. These seemingly insurmountable issues crop their ugly head every now and then with glaring regularity, threatening to gobble-up our existence. We require something special to get rid of the Mahisasur of the present times. The present evil one does not recide in an individual but in a system - a system where we all are active partners. We require the Divine Goddess in each one of us.

The question is - do we have the will power to allow the Goddess to create an abode in our mind and soul to cleanse the system within us or are we weak and waiting for the never coming divine intervention?

Divinity is within us - The Goddess in within us - What are we waiting for?

Friday 19 October 2012

New Marketing Lesson - Religion in the times of Consumerism!!

Marketing lessons from religious festivals

The season of festivals brings more cheer to the marketers than perhaps to the followers of various Gods and Goddesses of India.

In a world where one of the oft-repeated tagline of an upcoming online brand is "Yahaan sab kuch bikta hai", religion is often marketed and sold as product. Take the case of Durga Puja celebrations in Bengal - What was earlier revered as community gathering meant for joyous and pious bonding of para-people, has now been invaded by corporate pujas that flaunt budgets in millions of Indian currency.

Sample this - you walk into a Puja pandal which is tagged with "majbooti ki guarantee" of a leading cement brand. While you rustle past the pandal line and make inside the pandal structure you might be inundated with ads like the bright lighting of the pandal brought to you by - "Fair n light - creating a brighter you" or the decoration of the idol shall be adorned with a jewellery brand's ad - "Divinity - that's you" The time is not far, when perhaps all the  aspects of religious activities shall be sponsored by various marketers.

Religion is the new drive for consumerism

When the consumers are looking for a reason to splurge their income on latest trends, the idea of religion takes a new turn where consumerism becomes the new religion. Care should be given to protect the place of religious beliefs in the coming times!! And that shall depend on you. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Divine-Inflation!!! OMG - even the Gods are not spared!!

 Inflation - a bridge between the earth and the Heaven

This might be the least of all worries of the RBI Governor, but inflation has now taken a heavenly turn. Guess, who's the latest victim of Inflaaation ? Durga Maa, who has to bear this burden together with Her followers. Inflation has a unifying factor between the Gods and followers and a bridge between the earth and the Heaven.


Ever wondered what's the impact of Divine-inflation - check this out. I happen to read  an article (on which suitably brought a strange and unique revelation about Durga Puja celebrations. The cost of Durga Puja celebrations of Kashmere Gate Puja in New Delhi was mind-numbing figure of just Rs. 825/- in the year 1990 while the budget of the same pandal in 2012  shall easily crosses over 2 million of Indian rupees. Even, the Gods have to dole out HUGE amount of extra bucks for the same services!! That's what we call as DIVINE-INFLATION :-)!!  

How has the Divine-inflation hit? Share with us - may be Gods might finally listen (as the RBI people aren't)

Monday 15 October 2012

Mahisasur of 2012 - who shall it be??

It shall be interesting to understand who shall be the Mahisasur of the present times. If Maa Durga is to kill anyone in the current scenario, who shall closely resemble Mahisasur?

Shall it be:
a) Corruption
b) Unemployment
c) Inflation
d) Slowdown

(Hint: Please do not ask Obama - he shall reply "OUTSOURCING")

While Maa Durga descends upon the earth during the Pujas , it shall be worth thinking about, what would you like the Goddess to get rid of.