Monday 29 October 2012

Ganga Matters - Should we allow Puja idols to be immersed in Ganges

Durga Puja immersion

Its time we listen to the health of our city's lifeline. For many a trip to the bashan-dance while following the Durga Puja immersion procession might be a highlight of Durga Puja celebrations, but the Ganga is definitely taking a lot of blows due to immersion of Goddess Durga. While people might be divided on this count, no one shall deny the concern everyone has for the health of the waters of Ganga. Here's Durga Puja Curry's prescription for saving Ganga while remaining true to the fervour of Durga Puja celebrations:

  1. Go for symbolic immersion of the Idols in the Ganga water rather than actual immersion in open river water as that causes massive pollution.
  2. Allow the idols to be treated before they are immersed in running water.
  3. Sensitise people not to throw away Puja leftovers and other religious items into the water.
  4. Invite all Puja committee members to go for permanent idols so that idols need not be changed each year. That way we shall have no reason for immersion.
Durga Puja Curry supports joyous celebration and equally believes in protecting Maa Ganga. Save the river before it might be too late. Share this message for a greener and better Durga Puja.

Arihant Bhandawat

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